When you were young what were you taught in school?

When you were young what were you taught in school? Many of you probably answer math, science, English, academics, and you are correct. Why were you taught these things? All of your answers may vary here, but may I ask why? Well, I know the answer and it is one I think all of you will agree with. You were taught all of those things in school so you would serve and obey. Who were you learning to serve and obey? You we’re learning to serve those who made your curriculum, your money, and your job. This is the secret that has been cleverly hidden from you for 3000 years, just as Mark Hamilton says in this video. We’re all sick of serving masters we hate, why continue? Mark Hamilton is telling you the power is in our hands. It’s all about changing our minds, and declaring to our poor leaders or masters we’re done with you, we can lead ourselves and decide what is best for us! We will no longer allow you to live on our toil, and force us to serve you!

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