This is one of so many efforts by Mark Hamilton…

This is one of so many efforts by Mark Hamilton to reach into the hearts of people and show them their value as individuals, and their purpose in life. As I watch this remembering when I first went through these mentoring videos I realize that it truly is an example of REAL value creation.

Mark is exampling how REAL value creation adds value to the lives of all who come into contact with a person that is living their life through their value creations. This creates, in turn, the exhilarating movement into making their dreams their realities. Become who you were meant to be! Find the joy and happiness of your Inner Child. Thrive!

If we inspire children not with faith to accomplish their dreams and desires in life, they will accomplish nothing; if we teach them they are dependent on others for all things, then we are teaching that no man can change his own destiny, that he is moved as a machine, a mindless mechanism that simply functions through life following the directions of others. In teaching children this, we will make nonentities of them because they will not show their selves as individuals through their individual creative talents.

On the other hand, if we inspire them that they can accomplish all, it will grow upon them, and finally, they will believe that they do have within themselves the ability to become creators, value creators of their own destinies.

Mark Hamilton must be a beautiful person to make as his value creation the sharing some very valuable and beautiful instructions to all through his books. Thank you!

Undefeatedlife-Elaine R.

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