Reading the three Neothink volumes during the past few months has been a capstone…

Hi Mark,

Reading the three Neothink volumes during the past few months has been a capstone to a lifelong search process for me.

My father instilled in my mind early on “ to question everything, to not believe everything you read” and most importantly that “ you can do anything you want – just go for it.”
So I grew up challenging everything.  I was 10th in my high school class – but terribly unpopular because of my outspoken and unpopular opinions.  In college I decided to keep my opinions to myself – so I could have at least a few friends.

I don’t know when I first came up with the idea that we shouldn’t have to die.  I have read much on that subject – but again have kept it to myself – sharing only with my husband – who agrees that we will eventually figure it out.

So when I read your 3 volumes – it was reinforcement of a belief system that has matured over the past 20+ years.

My husband and I have been married 32 years – have a wonderful and successful daughter and a thriving business.  Nothing is perfect, we have had our ups and downs – and have learned many lessons along the way.  As soul mates in our fifties – in great health now – we want it to last forever.

Looking forward to pursuing the Neothink philosophy with like-minds.

Best regards,

Karen F.

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