I always get a general feeling of Peace and general well-being …

Wow! I always get a general feeling of Peace and general well-being from watching this video from Mark Hamilton. The more I hear it, the more it makes Universal sense to me for every person on the planet. It’s the only idea I’ve ever heard that simply fixes everything; … even the biggest problems that mankind has ever faced for over 3000 years on Earth simply disappear. Without anyone having to raise a finger, as if overnight, simply eliminating guns ‘n fists-backed politics throws the fish-net of human darkness off of all conscious humans, who otherwise can’t escape unhappiness and struggling on their bellies to the death under it. I’ll be spreading this hope toward all 7 Billion members of the Occupy Wall Street 99%, wishing that they hear this as their spring plans gather momentum. Love of life and Freedom to us all!

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