And to all of you who have not heard of Mr. Mark Hamilton or read his Literature

To all of you who are about to embark on a journey through the reading of literature by the author Mr. Mark Hamilton. You all have made the wises decisions of your life read on brothers and sisters. And to all of you who have not heard of Mr. Mark Hamilton or read his Literature.

The time has come for you to start investigating by going to Google.

That ‘s right Google these words Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society Twelve Visions Part

Let me tell you why I feel the way I do by telling you what Mr. Mark Hamilton and his literature has done for me. Before I was found by Mr. Mark Hamilton. I was a angry broke disable Veteran. With no life to speak of and no future to look forward to. Because my Government failed to deliver their promises to me and the rest of society. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. But at the end of 2008 I was found by Mr. Mark Hamilton and I started to read his Literature. Let me say I found the literature simply amazing.

So amazing that it took me from being an angry broke disable veteran with no life and no future to look forward to. To a disable veteran with lots of hope for the future. And even though I’m still and always will be a disable veteran I’m finally living the life I was meant to live because Mr. Hamilton and his literature has helped me to realize that if I going to have a future I will have to take responsible for my own action. The literature has so change my life forever and for the better.

I’m not only a Neothink Society Member I’m also a Board of director of a New Company called New Energy Generation Incorporated. I’m also a co chair of the North East Region. And I’m a very active member in other ways in the Neothink Society. Those other ways I speak of is supporting the TVP. Which stand for Twelve Visions Party. The only Party that has a simple but very strong platform.  And that platform is.

Make All The People Rich Including The Poor And The Elderly.

So if you are tired of the Political Parties and their false promises.

Look for the only Non Political Party that is offering to make All The People Rich Including The Poor And The Elderly.

And finally live the life we are all meant to live. How you may ask?

The Rule Of Man
The Wealth
Of Mankind

Become the person you were meant to be. Live the life you were meant to live.

By Making It A Productive Day Everyday

One Step At A Time.

By reading Mr. Mark Hamilton Literature one page at a time over and over again an again. This is the kind of literature to not only have but to never let go. For me the Literature has become my families Heirlooms.

That I will never put down nor stop reading! Because every time I read them I find another gold nugget for my future.


The Warriorsoul

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