Add The Prime Law principles to your power list

Add The Prime Law principles to your power list. Keep a power list and keep adding to it. The key to being a more “empowered” person is to program your mind that way. Focus on the things in life that “empower you”! Start eliminating all the things in your life that weaken or “de-power” you, or in others words, “enslave” you. First you must de-program your mind from all the negative programing you may have accumulated over the years. See many of Mark Hamilton’s tools to help you! We have been an “enslaved” nation of people, but as individuals we don’t have to stay that way!

Soar With The Eagle
Soar with the eagle, lest ye wallow with the boar!
Soar with the eagle, lest ye stagnate and perish!
Soar with the eagle, lest ye waste that which is precious!

Focus on that which inspires!
Raise your thoughts to that above!
For that what you envision, that you are!
Empower yourself and soar with the eagle!
Take wings and fly!
Kathleen T.

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