My beginning as a neothinker the first person that I would like to thank for my beginning in the Neothink Society would be Mark Hamilton

My beginning as a neothinker  the first person that I would  like to thank  for  my beginning in the  Neothink Society would be Mark Hamilton because without his invitation  I would have never  Known  about  this  Wonderful Neothink Society.  I received my first Heirloom the  inside Secrets,  and even though I already practice some of these techniques,  there were still a lot that  I  need to accomplish according to my  mentor  Mark Hamilton. After the second book I knew that  I needed to meet these incredible people, but was not really sure how to accomplish this feat.  After receiving  the Miss Annabel’s Secrets  I knew without a shadow of a doubt  that I need to meet  these  like minded people Then I remembered in the letter  about member services and to call them if  I needed any assistance , and I really wanted to meet someone from the society, so I called and called and was told that someone would  call me but they never did.

I was really getting frustrated  how ever in December 2009  John Smerk called me and invited me to a club House meeting in  Jan 2010  and now I was going to meet other people that  thought the same as  I thought,  and boy was I really a happy camper when I met  John Smerk ,  Aldolpho  Camacho and  Nick  Molina at that first meeting. And these Individuals are the second group that I really want to thank because without meeting them and becoming friends I would  not have known such love and friendship. From the three I learned that the world was really full of very self  gratifying people.  Most of the people that I knew were ,Evil, Mean, self centered, but not these three they were like a long lost brother that I was united with after many centuries.  I learned, about telemairs, club Houses, the web site and the new political party the  Twelve vision party which we started in march trying to get the State of Arizona affiliated with  the TVPNC which looks like it will be receiving it charter in July or August of 2010.

The last group that  I really am grateful for are the following  member service representative the one and only Steve Fagan whom I continue to call  and  E-mail  again and again until he gave me a chance  to become  a member service representative.  To Martin Fiztpratick, my mentor for member services and whom I consider to be a good friend. To sue Moore and Nellie  Hyse, and Charlie  Moore  my member service  Sisters and  brothers

This is what I have learned about the people that call  member services  they are all searchers and are searching for a better life  one which the Neothink society has to offer.   I have  observed  both the good and evil in people.  There are people who are really appreciative for your time and sacrifice  that you make for the society  and on the other hand I have talked to people who will try to cheat you out of everything that you and the society have to offer, these are the Neo Cheaters  of the world.  I’m always asked what has the society done  for you and has it made you rich.  My answer is yes it has, but not finically,  but I am rich in other ways,  my perceptive for life has changed,  I now enjoy myself my  family  and  friends, I am rich as any millionaire  , for I am now making numerous friend’s who love me because I am me  a value creator  for myself, my Family and the world.   Nellie   stated in her last article that  one of the question that is always asked is why   or how did the society pick me and I  will always respond that I don’t really know how they choose you,  but I’m really glad that they did  pick me.

You have a beautiful day


William  J.  K.

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