MR.MARK HAMILTON has filled the void for me about life’s inconsistency’s and revealed the solution

MR.MARK HAMILTON has filled the void for me about life’s inconsistency’s and revealed the solution. Where there is suffering and pain and suppression, there is man’s MAN MADE LAW where man can rule like there is no GOD! Solution; PRIME-LAW.

His literature reveals what was right in men’s grasp for thousands of years,but men were too busy being suppressed.
MR. Hamilton’s NEOTHINK SOCIETY has provided me the very venue to exercise my genius which is frowned upon in a world whose nick name is “DOG EAT DOG”!and “RAT RACE”!as though we are not human’s. Any wonder why men and women grew up to be the good news in the news only to become the bad news in the news? Just a cheapened person or a has been?who don’t have a clue of what hit them or what got into them.

TWELVE VISION’S PARTY success means “no more of that”!Some laugh when people stumble and fall in society, but JOHN DONNE said well, “ASK NOT,FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS,BECAUSE IT MAY TOLL FOR THEE” and in a world governed by “MAN MADE LAW”NOT “PRIME-LAW”?it’s geared to toll for thee!

TWELVE VISION’S PARTY success will certainly ensure that “NO” member of our “HUMAN”FAMILY will ever, ever again, know CRISIS!
The future of law enforcement will be as a a new day better than any day before,ever!
The future of all “INDUSTRY”, as a new day never before equalled where there is no lack of genuine-unceasing joy nor material wealth on every willing hand.
The future of healthcare is null and void for it is gone with the causes of “man made”deceases as scientists are not under the directives of “MAN-MADE-LAW” but
“PRIME-LAW” just as all physicians are no longer under “MAN-MADE-LAW “but” PRIME-LAW”. Nor business. All this great potential will be not if MR. MARK HAMILTON AND HIS WORK IS SILENCED.

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