Mark Hamilton is quiet simply the most responsible…

Mark Hamilton is quiet simply the most responsible, remarkable and brilliant person on earth today and I sincerely hope that there will be a time when his endless efforts and sacrifices to help all will be recognized and rewarded equally!!! When I thought about Mark being a certain recipient of a future Nobel price or something equalient to it I felt like it’s not going to be enough this time…..something is missing…. What he has done and is doing for humanity is unprecedented and whoever has the fortune of grasping his achievements, plans and ultimate goal will agree with me on the fact that it has to be recognized just as uniquely!!!

When I received my very first invitational letter, I was down and almost out as I have had suicidal thoughts and only a few strings of hope left as I was quickly running out of possible solutions. I remember saying to myself whilst reading this priceless invitation that this is going to be the last one I will invest time and money as all the previous attempts at bettering my life failed to deliver and left me disappointed!

Yes I was skeptical!!!

Who wouldn’t be after many failures and broken dreams? I felt that it had something to offer and I couldn’t spot anything to satisfy my skeptical urges. On the other hand to pair that with the fact that I could see where I was headed and pretty much struggled to find much to look forward to despite my age at the time (only 27 years old), I went for it as my last drop of belief was used up in something that was linked with my dreams being fulfilled.

Boy, I’m glad I did!!! That being a huge understatement!!!

Mark Hamilton’s literature has given me a second chance at life!!! It provided me hope and strength at times when I needed it most. Along the way I had many magical realizations of my past’s experiences that didn’t make sense at the time or at least not to the same extent! Those were very joyous times!

The Neothink Society means a lot to me!

It’s like when we were 7-8 years old and had the best birthday parties with everyone getting along with everyone and sharing toys around equally to play with and just having a fantastic time. The society is just like that the only difference being that your playmates (other members) are all there waiting for you to join them! The love, affection and care that one member gives to another at all times and circumstances is absolutely priceless.

It’s the way it should be and currently one can only experience something of that nature in Disneyland or when the Olympic Games are on when everyone celebrates with everyone!!!

The Twelve Visions Party is a must if we would like to have the above mentioned feelings, joy and experiences in life on a permanent basis at any age and any place on planet earth!!!

If Mark Hamilton and his literature, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party are not allowed to continue on their path and succeed we can shut the lights out.

Game Over!!!

I say that not because I’m pessimistic but because I struggle to see another Mark Hamilton emerging before it becomes too late!!!
The world would be a dark place with no hope for us and our children to live a life that we were all meant to live. I can only speak for myself but I would like to close by saying this is the place, the platform, the people and goals you were born to come to experience and believe in so come and join the Party!!!


Christopher B.

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