Man Oh Man!

I apologize again for adding to my testimonial….I want to say something about religion….

I have always had a problem with the Neothink religious viewpoint as being mysticism…what I have discovered is this…I was always taught that my “sins” built a wall between God and me and my realization of his presence. Whenever I ”sinned” I thought this was true and I would feel guilty and have bad days, so to speak, and I thought this was God’s way to make me realize the correction I needed. This was felt by me usually, but not always, as a result of sexual sins. Since I’ve adopted Neothink’s truth about the mysticism in religion, I no longer feel the “guilt” nor have “bad days” as a result of any so called ”sin”.

I realize now that, “I”, created those emotions of guilt because of what I had been taught by the religious community. What a bunch of crap!!! Man Oh Man!

Thanks again…..Denny D.

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