I’m proud to be a Neothink Warrior!

I’m proud to be a Mark Hamilton Neothink Warrior! I feel more powerful than any Governmental agencies! Remember, We act with Integrated Honesty up to the Highest Levels of Integrity and Endurance! A show of Hands will prove that We in the Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society, and Neothink Warriors knowing that We will Play-Out our hands beautifully! Our Visions are in search of Justice For All! For all Value and not just some government bureaucrat Demand! Not some demand to control The People with regulation after regulation slowing down any hope of progress! With the Twelve Visions Party we all prosper and Live In Peace Of Mind, Joy and happiness! As Neothink Warriors we map out The Future grabbing and placing the pieces of The Puzzle so that they fit with passion and precession, to use our minds to think of something that brings us The Greatest Gift of exploring our minds and helping others to think better for all of us!Here comes the Civilization Of The Universe! See you on The Other Side! The Side of Wealth, Health, Peace! 

Mickey B.-Twelve Visions Party Ohio

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