I have been asked to give my opinion of Mark Hamilton

I have been asked to give my opinion of Mark Hamilton, someone who has done a great thing by pulling people together for a common cause which is to save our country, and our lives, to change business as usual which has crippled our country and all it’s citizens.  The powers that be have a usual behavior they display toward anyone who speaks out against them or wants real change.  Considering they have made themselves above the law, they can now get away with just about anything.  I for one refuse to accept that as a reality, and am counting on good, ethical, honest people to come forward help make the change this country desperately needs.  Anyone out there, who blindly follows, listens to rumors, and judges on something they have been told to discredit someone shouldn’t hold a voters registration card.  They clearly are unable to make decisions on their own.  Which is why our country is in the state of destruction that it is.  However, if you are reading this, and are a person who wants real change I think you should support the effort that Mark Hamilton, and the people he has pulled together to change the course this country is headed in.  Any negative advertising is really only meant to distract, discredit, and destroy anyone who would dare to make a change.  If I were you I would consider the source of any negative information about Mark Hamilton, as it  would be those in charge about to loose their positions from their gross mismanagement and audacity to slap the American citizens in the face while stripping us all of our rights and freedoms.  After all they are counting on the business as usual, and the blind followers to keep it that way.If you have had enough of the business as usual, I suggest you check Mark Hamilton out and what his plans are before you decide to just do the same old thing, or just look the other way.

P. J.

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