
Thank you Mark Hamilton for introducing me to the Neothink society. As a child I started life as a Lutheran, steeped in the Christian dogma, learning many important values, but deep inside, I always felt there was something missing. Later in life, I embraced Hindu and Budist eastern philosophies, eventually becoming a strict vegetaian, which I still am. However, there seemed to be so many pieces still missing. I’ve been a mill worker, truck driver, carpenter, beekeper, dairy farmer, hay farmer, orchardist, arabian horse rancher, horticulturist, counsellor, and more. I’ve been married, successfully raised wonderful children, and have learned where great values are created. Yes, I have a few things to reflect on and be proud of. But, of all my life’s experiences, Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society has had the most enabling influence. Neothink has taght me to be in charge of my own being, and to eliminate blame. The realization that negative energy is nothing but a smoke skreen for not dealing with personal inadequacies. Neothink has shown me that through discipline and effort, anything can be achieved. No, its not about money! Its about feeling good, about feeling grateful, and to earn and realize the love connection. Thanks again. Love and respect; always: Hans H.

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